i like music

Premeditated Depeditation

By Little Steve

So it's crunch time guys!
Well, maybe not so much for all of you as it is for me, and this is why I have been so lacking with the updates...i know, always an excuse. Deal with it though, I give good music so all should be forgiven :)

So to start with today, I wanted to put up a track off an album that I discovered at the station. I've not heard much of these guys, but they're called BellX1 and, to be honest, their album Flock, leaves a lot to be desired. BUT I super love this song, and not only is it a great song, it's also self-referent in that it's about writing a song. Ahh. Oh, and they're Irish.
Check it yo!

BellX1 - My First Born For A Song

Young Knives
Ok, now to the Midlands, a little further across the water. I have lived in what is known as the Midlands, and so it makes me happy to admit that, after a few listens I have really fallen for this band's new album. They are the Young Knives, and the album is Super Abundance. I received their single a while ago at the station and I didn't think it was the same band! Their first album never grabbed me, although it did do ok in the UK. I hope they do better with this one, it's certainly a lot of fun.

Young Knives - Counters

Young Knives - Light Switch

Five O'Clock Heroes
Keeping it indie-tastic, I have been enjoying the sounds of the Five O'Clock Heroes, from New York. They, like the Young Knives, are just about the fun. Their new album is called Bend To The Breaks, and it's all very similar. But when you're doing something that people enjoy, why complain?

Five O'Clock Heroes - Head Games
Five O'Clock Heroes - Anybody Home

Thom Yorke
I have found a remix of Thom Yorke's The Eraser recently, which at first I shook my head at. How can you remix Thom Yorke?? But, alas, it has been done with quite a bit of style and some nice bleeps and beats by XXXChange. Have a listen.

Thom Yorke - The Eraser(XXXChange Remix)

Heading now into some more upbeat, electro-fun territory, why don't we discuss the new Hadouken! album. Now, it was quite a while ago that I discovered the single 'That Boy That Girl', and I loved the speediness and biting UK-scenster lyrics. I must admit, on first listen of this album I felt it was all a bit too much for my little head. But then, on the next few listens I just let go, and whenever I feel like a dance in my head (because real men don't dance) I put it on!
Now dance!

Hadouken! - That Boy That Girl

Hadouken! - Mister Misfortune

Now for something a little different. This guy, who originally hails from Ethiopa and now lives in New York, is called Kenna. I haven't heard much about him until I randomly found his single on my computer, most likely from one of the radio folders. I thought his sound was interesting because it runs along the edge of electro and pop which is not always a bad thing. Also, after listening to a few more of his songs he also does slow songs with style. I'll stick a couple of tracks up here for your listening pleasure, let me know what you think. The second track is kinda JT...but I don't have a problem with that :)

Kenna - Out Of Control (State of Emergency)

Kenna - Loose Wires

Well that's all for today. There is soo much more, but I just realised I have quite a lot of reading I need to do before class tomorrow. So, once again I plead with you to deal with it...and enjoy your music!

1 comment so far.

  1. Unknown June 19, 2008 at 1:03 PM
    Hmmm... Enjoying the Kenna, but not enough to scream down the streets of Melbourne that I have found the meaning of life...
    But thanks M'dear - you have followed through once again!

Something to say?