i like music

Songs to make clothes to (aka fashion on the go)

Category: , , , By Little Steve

This is a special post for my friend who wanted some song suggestions for music she could put to a video of clothes being created. This was an interesting concept and after viewing some of the clothes and hearing her ideas I came up with a couple I thought might work. You guys can check these songs out too because they're good all the same.
The first is by Supermayer, who i know little about but his song, The Art of Letting Go, has slowly grown on me over the last couple of months. So check it!

The Art of Letting Go

Of course, fashion and France go quite well together, so there is also the option of the lovely Camille. Ta Douleur has both the funky punch and the smooth french tones to fit many a mood. And for you crazy kids who haven't checked out this fantastic female artist...shame on you. Quick! Go now, and you may be spared.

Ta Douleur

Now the lovely Miss Kittin, as mentioned in the previous post, could actually help out here if you were to be interested in something a little more spacey. It is very minimal though, but interesting none the less and it's all dependent on the mood you would like to create. So here's another dollop of Kittin.

Wash N Dry


1 comment so far.

  1. Apollo March 28, 2008 at 2:07 PM

    On Supermayer - check this mix out by them
    and they are playing Melbourne on 24th April with Paolo Mojo.

Something to say?